Duke Nukem 3D Cheat Codes
DNCORNHOLIO = GOD MODE (Unlimited Jetpack)
DNKROZ = GOD MODE (Same as DNCORNHOLIO except faster to type)
DNHYPER = STEROID MODE (Puts you in Steroid Mode for a limited time)
DNVIEW = BACK VIEW (Same as F7 key in the game)
DNITEMS = ALL ITEMS AND KEYS (Gives you the whole inventory)
DNWEAPONS = WEAPONS (Gives you all the weapons and ammo)
DNKEYS = KEYS (Gives you all the keys)
DNSTUFF = EVERYTHING (Gives you weapons, ammo, and the whole inventory)
DNSCOTTYxy = LEVEL WARP (x is episode # , and y is level # )
DNSKILLx = SKILL CHANGE (x is skill # which can be from 0 to 3)
DNUNLOCK = OPENS ALL DOORS (Opens all doors, and unlocks all locked doors)
DNMONSTERS = MONSTERS (Turns off or on the monsters in the game)
DNCLIP = NO CLIPPING (Walk through walls)
DNSHOWMAP = FULL MAP (Shows entire map)
DNCASHMAN = MONEY (Throw money everywhere, each time you press the open key)
DNCOORDS = DETAILED MAP (Shows extremely detailed map and coordinates)
DNDEBUG = DEBUG INFO (Shows debug information)
DNRATE = FRAME RATE (Shows the frame rate)
DNBETA = MESSAGE (Prints "Pirates Suck!")
DNALLEN = MESSAGE (Prints "Buy Major Stryker")
DNTODD = MESSAGE (Prints "Register Cosmo Today!")
NOTE : DNCLIP can be very dangerous. It can cause crashes and halts. If you have a problem, restart your computer, and don't use DNCLIP anymore. DNCLIP is not available in ver. 1.0. DNUNLOCK does not work in shareware. DNTODD was DNCOSMO in ver. 1.0 and 1.1.